
About Stocks


Stocks Office Furniture was established by Joe Stocks in 1954. Known in it's early days as Champaign Blue Print and Photography, the business began in a storefront at 65 E. University Avenue in Champaign.


In 1959, Mr. Stocks moved the business to 510 N. Neil Street, where it remained for over 30 years.


In 1967, Skip Eissfeldt joined Joe Stocks, his father-in-law, in the business. It wasn’t long before Skip saw an opportunity in the office furniture industry and Mr. Stocks gave him the green light to pursue his dream.


Over the years, the office furniture aspect of the business continued to grow, and in 1995, Stocks moved to a new building on South Country Fair Drive to better showcase their products. Today, the Stocks showroom and business office is located at 602 South Country Fair Drive, with an offsite warehouse facility located in Urbana.


Maggie McGuire, the former owner of Stocks Office Furniture, bought the business from Skip in 2014 after having worked alongside him since 1979. Her focus on sales and design through the years has allowed her to successfully create some of Champaign’s most memorable environments.


In 2022, Maggie retired and Stocks was acquired by Warehouse Direct, a family-owned business based in Des Plaines, IL. Since 1979, Warehouse Direct has specialized in workplace innovation and productivity. They offer a multitude of office-based products, equipment, and services.


Stocks’ commitment to meet any project schedule is a reflection of a long-time collaboration with our manufacturers and the internal Stocks team. The Stocks project management team has a combined 34 years of experience with projects of all sizes. Stocks has and will continue to provide excellent service to our partners in the business community.